Sheeba Sen
Sheeba has spent the last 10 years working across rural India on poverty alleviation initiatives; from building farmer to cup supply chains for coffee farmers in the south to heading a grassroots rural development nonprofit in the Himalayas. Three years ago she founded Alaap, a social enterprise with a mission to catalyze reforestation of native trees across India.
Taking a systems approach, Alaap integrates large scale Miyawaki reforestation with supporting technologies that reduce pressure on the new forests (like clean energy alternatives, alternative biomass for construction and biochar for soil amendments). Sheeba studied International Relations at the London School of Economics followed by the Legal Practice course at the University of Oxford. She practiced at an International law firm in London before returning to work in rural India.
Sheeba Sen's Projects

Community Forest
Reviving a Himalayan Forest in Uttarakhand

Community Forest II
Reviving a Himalayan Forest in Uttarakhand