MiniBig Forest
MiniBigForest started with one encounter ...
In 2018, during the Festival “Aux Arbres” in Nantes, France, Jim & Stéphanie met Shubhendu Sharma, and learned about the Miyawaki Method. It was love at first sight !
Totally inspired by this initiative, they took a leap of faith and started their own adventure in the Nantes region.
Recently, a new branch of MiniBig has grown in Bordeaux, thanks to Noëlie.
Now extending across western France, MiniBigForest uses the Miyawaki Method to create participatory urban forests that have an impact not only on the environment, but also people.
Bringing together scientific knowledge with an empathy for the environment, they dream of reconnecting people with nature.
MiniBigForest puts community at its heart; they welcome kids, adults, citizens, employers - anyone who wishes to join in creating forests.
MiniBig Forest's Projects

Astaffort School Forest
Creating an Outdoor Classroom in Astaffort, France

IME Val Lorie
A green lung for kids within a high density industrial area.

Rion Des Landes College
Cultivating greenery and tranquility for children in a treeless environment.