Greening for Newham’s Next Generation
SUGi is undertaking a major urban greening partnership with the forward-thinking London Borough of Newham. Together, we’ll be planting SUGi Pocket Forests in 15 local schools, transforming a highly urbanized environment with a biodiverse network of native species havens. Thanks to a grant from the Council, Nature will begin to bloom across the community and in the imaginations of the schoolchildren, who will not only help plant the forests, but act as citizen scientists and stewards as they grow and flourish together. Stay tuned for more updates on this Nature Solution in action.
We’re thrilled to be working with SUGi on delivering new biodiverse and much needed green spaces for residents of all ages across Newham. The pilot seeks to make a significant step towards increasing the long-term climate resilience of the borough alongside the immediate learning, community, and overall health benefits of the planting process.
— — Jacob Heitland, Director of Climate Action at Newham Council
Newham is one of the fastest growing, youngest, and most diverse boroughs in London with a population of over 351,000. They have outstanding schools and are home to award winning parks and a completely new cultural hub at East Bank in Stratford, which is the busiest station in the UK. The Council is delivering an ambitious Corporate Plan Building a Fairer Newham.

Partners in Rewilding
We embrace partners who share our vision of building biodiversity and green infrastructure. Each strategic collaboration is uniquely tailored.
We rewild with visionaries from iconic global brands to sustainable start ups, from city officials to pioneering designers, architects, and artists.