Cool Caterpillars
Caterpillars are fascinating creatures! They are a pillar in maintaing the balance in ecosystems and are a nutritious food source for birds, bats and other insectivorous animals; a pair of blue tits might collect up to 100 caterpillars every day to feed a single chick!
They have developed intricate and mysterious defence mechanisms against predators that show just how incredible nature is. Some camouflage themselves into small branches or birds droppings while others resort to venomous spikes and developing fake eyes. And most importantly, they metamorphose into butterflies and moths which provide countless benefits to ecosystems.

The Saturniidae Moth is found throughout the Palearctic region and is the only member of the Saturniidae family that can be found in the UK.

The Acraga Coa Moth is found in southern Mexico, Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Panama.

The Zebra Longwing Butterfly can be found across South and Central America and even in some regions in North America - southern Texas and peninsular Florida.